The core of the earth
Ever since returning from my ... dream exile ... to the real world, I've been travelling like crazy. Only last week did I travel from Gadgetzan to Darnassus and Ironforge to Scholomance. All around the world it seems. I keep going at a fast pace. Am I in such a hurry to get myself killed?My strangest journey thus far took me deep into the core of the very earth itself. The members of White Rose, it seems, have gathered clear evidence that deep inside the earth lies an answer to who we are.
The roots of the White Rose, it seems, burrow deep.
So we made a brave effort to go there, to dig out what evidence we might find... about the existence and nature of the rose. And the power of the rose.
So we went to Molten Core.Luckily we did not have to go there alone.
The house of the fire lord Ragnaros, it seems, draws adventurers like honey draws bees. It is the glory of seeing and possibly getting killed by a such magnificent creature as the fire lord that seems to suck these people in.
So there we were, 20 adventurers ready to face the horrors of the Core. There were people of the White Rose, friends, and I guess family, and then other adventurers willing to throw their lives away.The fact that I'm still writing my diary, proves that we were somewhat succesfull in our heroic trial. Never in my life I could have imagined a place like the Core. The toxic fumes and the heat, the fires and the lava made staying there quite difficult. Casting spells was hard when my tongue dried out. The red glow made eyes hurt. And the beasts that dwell within... The giants, the elementals and the gigantic hounds that are stronger than 20 men combined.
I know now what fear is. But I also know what is bravery.
We did not venture far, for we would have only gotten ourselves killed. We do need a bigger army if we are about to go in deeper. I am glad we can make the trip one step at a time. And I am glad all my friends are going to be around me. For if we face a horrible death, the thought of my friends around me, will keep me alive a little bit longer.
The journey to Molten Core is by far the strangest and the most dangerous I've ever taken. And it has just begun...